Jesus Images-जीसस (प्राचीन हिब्रू: ישוע, रोमनकृत: येशुआ; प्राचीन ग्रीक: Ἰησοῦς, रोमनकृत: इस्सौस; लगभग 4 ईसा पूर्व [6] - 33 ईस्वी [7]), इस्लाम में जीसस के रूप में अनुवादित, मॉस निजियाओ का अनुवाद बारबेरियन के रूप में किया गया है, जिसे बारबेरियन के रूप में भी जाना जाता है। जैसे कि नाज़ारेथ के यीशु, यीशु मसीह, आदि। वह पहली शताब्दी ईस्वी की शुरुआत में इज़राइल की भूमि में एक यहूदी उपदेशक और धार्मिक नेता थे।
यीशु दुनिया के सबसे बड़े धर्म, ईसाई धर्म का केंद्रीय व्यक्ति है, और अधिकांश ईसाइयों द्वारा उसे भगवान, भगवान का पुत्र, निर्माता, उद्धारकर्ता, मसीहा (मसीह) और अंतिम न्यायाधीश के रूप में माना जाता है। जिस वर्ष यीशु का जन्म हुआ उसी वर्ष से ईसाई युग की शुरुआत होती है।
Jesus (ancient Hebrew: ישוע, Romanized: Yeshua; Ancient Greek: Ἰησοῦς, Romanized: Iēsous; about 4 BC [6] - 33 AD [7]), translated in Islam as Jesus, Moss Nijiao is translated as Barbarian, also known as Jesus of Nazareth, Jesus Christ, etc. He was a Jewish preacher and religious leader in the land of Israel in the early 1st century AD.
Jesus is the central figure of Christianity, the world's largest religion, and is regarded by most Christians as God, the Son of God, the Creator, the Savior, the Messiah (Christ) and the final judge. The Christian era begins with the year Jesus was born.
Jesus Images
Christians believe that Jesus' suffering was predicted in the Hebrew Bible, such as Psalm 22 and Isaiah Chapter 53. According to the four gospels, after Jesus had the Last Supper with his twelve apostles, he was arrested in the Garden of Gethsemane, and held separate meetings with the former high priest Annas, the Jewish Sanhedrin of high priest Caiaphas, and the Roman governor Pontius Pila. He was tried before Herod Antipas, the tetrarch of Galilee and Perea, in the palace of the proconsul, and was transferred for crucifixion. Jesus was whipped by Roman soldiers, mocked as the "King of the Jews", forced to wear a purple robe (purple robes could only be worn by Roman emperors), and a crown of thorns (representing the mistletoe ring crown of the Roman emperor). The soldiers beat and spat on him, then changed into Jesus' own clothes and walked to the place of crucifixion. Simon of Cyrene passed by and was forced to carry the cross of Jesus.
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When they arrived at Golgotha, the soldiers offered Jesus wine mixed with gall (which had analgesic/sedative properties), but Jesus refused to drink it. He was then crucified along with two convicted thieves. Jesus was crucified on the cross in the middle. According to the Gospel of Mark, Jesus endured six hours of suffering on the cross, from about 9 a.m. until his death around 3 p.m. According to biblical records, Governor Pilate asked soldiers to place a sign above his head in three languages: Latin, Greek, and Hebrew: "Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews." Soldiers divided His robes and cast lots for His seamless underwear. Many Jewish high priests, elders, and scribes present who did not believe in Jesus mocked him, claiming that if Jesus came down from the cross, they would believe that he came from God. One robber also mocked him, but the other robber recognized Jesus. As for the identity of Christ, Jesus answered at that time that he would be with Him on the same day and in Paradise. The soldiers soaked a sponge with vinegar (some translations record it as the sour wine rationed to Roman soldiers), tied it on hyssop, and brought it to Jesus' mouth. After Jesus tasted it, he said, It is finished, and he died.
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Roman soldiers broke the legs of two other robbers who were crucified so that they could die early. Some people think that Jewish law did not allow criminals to be hung until sunset on that day, so the Romans broke their legs to hasten the death of the two robbers. . Because Jesus was already dead, the Roman soldiers did not break Jesus’ legs. Or in order to verify whether Jesus was dead, a soldier pierced Jesus' side with a spear, and blood and water came out immediately.
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The four Gospels record different Jesus’ last words on the cross. The Synoptic Gospels record that the crucifixion of Jesus was accompanied by various supernatural events, including darkness on the earth, the temple veil being torn in two from top to bottom, earthquakes, and the resurrection of the saints. His body was removed from the cross by Joseph of Arimathea, assisted by Nicodemus, and buried in a stone tomb. According to the Gospels, Jesus resurrected two days after his death (the "third day"), which is also the first day of every week in Jewish law. He appeared to his disciples and other chosen people many times, taught them, and then died on the appointed mountain. He ascended to heaven in the presence of his disciples.
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Christians traditionally believe that Jesus' death on the cross was a sacrifice Jesus knew in advance and was willing to sacrifice (because he did not contest his trial); it was "God's agent" to atone for the sins of mankind. Most Christians preach this sacrifice through the Holy Communion and also commemorate the "Last Supper". There are also many Christians who commemorate the crucifixion of Jesus on Good Friday every year.
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Jesus Easter Images
Easter-related items include the Easter Bunny and Easter eggs. Legend has it that Easter eggs are sent by the Easter Bunny. Some people like to draw various faces or patterns on the eggs. None of these folk customs originated from Christianity.
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Easter lilies are also the most representative items of Easter. Lilies appear many times in the Bible. Lilies symbolize rebirth, purity, and hope, and have the same meaning as the rebirth of Jesus Christ. During Easter, some churches will use lilies to decorate the church, and Christians will also give lilies to each other.
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Eating lamb on Easter is also an Easter custom. According to the Bible, Jesus Christ was crucified and became the scapegoat for everyone, using death to atone for people's sins. Therefore, the lamb has become a symbol of Jesus Christ's sacrifice. . Therefore, at Easter, people will also eat lamb, and later, ham will be used instead.
Early Christianity in Mesopotamia dyed eggs red to commemorate the precious blood shed by Jesus Christ. Easter also has the habit of eating ham and hot cross buns and commemorating fasting for forty days before Easter, which later evolved into the Christian Lent or Lent.
It is customary to eat manmi during Easter in Finland. This custom originated from the early Catholic Church. Fasting ends at Easter, and you can start enjoying food at that time. However, Holy Friday is a holy day, and you are not allowed to light fires and cook at that time, so you eat cold and easy-to-preserve food at that time. , such as Manmi.
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Jesus Birth Images
The birth of Jesus is recorded in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke in the New Testament. The Gospel of Mark, which is believed to be the earliest, does not record the relevant circumstances.
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Both the Gospels of Matthew and Luke record that Jesus was the son of Mary. At that time, Mary was already engaged to Joseph of the Davidic family, but she miraculously became pregnant by the power of the Holy Spirit. Joseph was not the real father of Jesus. . Angels announced the birth of Jesus to a group of shepherds, and at least 40 days later three astrologers from the East came to congratulate him, guided by a special star. The Gospels claim that the birth of Jesus was the fulfillment of prophecies prophesied by the prophets of Israel.
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In Christian Christmas celebrations, the central content is to recall and reenact the scene of the birth of Jesus. The name of Christmas means that Christians believe that Jesus of Nazareth is the "Christ" or Messiah promised to come in the Old Testament. Among Roman Catholics and some other Christian groups, the main religious celebration of Christmas is the church ceremony Midnight Mass or the Christmas morning liturgy. Christmas is determined on December 25. During the 40 days leading up to Christmas, Orthodox Christians practice fasting.
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Good Morning Jesus Images
The sun shines on the earth, just as the light of Jesus shines on our hearts. The morning breeze blew gently, as gentle and kind as God’s words. On this wonderful moment, I offer you my most sincere blessings: May the grace of the Lord be with you and fill your day with joy and peace.
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Starting the day with a Good Morning Jesus Image can set a positive and uplifting tone. These images offer a daily reminder of faith, hope, and the presence of Jesus in our lives. They can bring a sense of peace and motivation as we embark on our daily journey.
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In conclusion, Jesus Images, whether it be Jesus Easter Images, Jesus Birth Images, or Good Morning Jesus Images, have the power to touch our hearts and souls. They serve as visual reminders of our faith and the importance of Jesus in our lives. Whether used for personal reflection, religious devotion, or as a source of inspiration, these images hold a special place in the lives of many.